First: I am wearing vintage for over five years. This is much time to work on my wardrobe.
My blog Viele viele Füchse (viele Füchse = many foxes) is the place where I´m enjoying to share pictures of my vintage collection. I try to avoid buying something new exept underwear. So I shop mainly at thrift stores and vintage boutiques, you should notice that on the first seight. You can say I'm a vintage 'hunter' and 'gatherer'. I like everything that is old and cheesy and of course blue and red are my favourite colours.
If I travel to another city or visit a film festival, I use a free afternoon for happy vintage 'hunting'. You do´t have to prepare well. JUST KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN :)
I walk through the streets until I find one of the store types I am searching. After 'hunting' and 'gathering' inside, I ask customers or the seller for other thrift and vintage stores in the city. The most people love to help. One time a a girl painted a city map in my notebook - how cute it was. Besides vintage information you can pick up culinary advice from locals in one step.
But: vintage stores are closing fast. I am collecting the places I was in my notebook. In my experience there are coming and going so fast. So many cute stores died in the last two years :(
My blog Viele viele Füchse (viele Füchse = many foxes) is the place where I´m enjoying to share pictures of my vintage collection. I try to avoid buying something new exept underwear. So I shop mainly at thrift stores and vintage boutiques, you should notice that on the first seight. You can say I'm a vintage 'hunter' and 'gatherer'. I like everything that is old and cheesy and of course blue and red are my favourite colours.
If I travel to another city or visit a film festival, I use a free afternoon for happy vintage 'hunting'. You do´t have to prepare well. JUST KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN :)
I walk through the streets until I find one of the store types I am searching. After 'hunting' and 'gathering' inside, I ask customers or the seller for other thrift and vintage stores in the city. The most people love to help. One time a a girl painted a city map in my notebook - how cute it was. Besides vintage information you can pick up culinary advice from locals in one step.
But: vintage stores are closing fast. I am collecting the places I was in my notebook. In my experience there are coming and going so fast. So many cute stores died in the last two years :(
It is a great feeling to have such memories with your collection. Call me addicted. Sometimes I am starting to remember where I got my pieces. Dress found in Stuttgart, shoes swapped from Düsseldorf... Many of my favourite pieces are swapped via Kleiderkreisel. I love this website, sorry all non-german readers. ( But there is a sorry for me too, than in Germany there are no Thriftstores like in the USA - I would die to thrift in the USA)
I got so many mails with the same question in it. I DO NOT KNOW THE ONE AND ONLY GOOD SOURCE OF VINTAGE CLOTHING, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST. You don´t need it at all. You can find your new favourite in the nerby town, your grandmathers closet, swapping with your friend or everywhere else.
I invest a lot of time, distance, needlework and money (and fun :) ) in my vintage collection.
You may have noticed, that I prepare the costume and scenography for some university projects or simple photography shooting fun. That allows me to keep my collection, but it is also important to me that I don´t treasure up too much. I have a very small closet, I have to sort out when I want something new. :)
I got so many mails with the same question in it. I DO NOT KNOW THE ONE AND ONLY GOOD SOURCE OF VINTAGE CLOTHING, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST. You don´t need it at all. You can find your new favourite in the nerby town, your grandmathers closet, swapping with your friend or everywhere else.
I invest a lot of time, distance, needlework and money (and fun :) ) in my vintage collection.
You may have noticed, that I prepare the costume and scenography for some university projects or simple photography shooting fun. That allows me to keep my collection, but it is also important to me that I don´t treasure up too much. I have a very small closet, I have to sort out when I want something new. :)

These are some cities I got some pieces from the outfits.
I am runing Viele Füchse also to improve my english skills. Don´t hesitate to write me if you find something wrong.
picures Mauerfuchs ▼ Color Grading me

Cooler Post. Mal was anderes :) Finde das allgemein sehr spannend, woher v.a. Fashionblogger so ihre tollen Sachen haben und wenn es sich um Vintage-Teile handelt ist es nochmal interessanter! Vor allem wenn die Teile aus vielen verschiedenen Städten und Ländern sind wie bei dir :) Finde deinen Stil ja sowieso ganz klasse!
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße
Ah, lovely post. I really enjoy the story behind some of my clothes and the good times they remind me of :)